Prison Ministry


Prison Ministry
Prison Ministry India is a National Voluntary Organization, recognized by the CBCI to work for the release, renewal and rehabilitation of prisoners.

To release, renew, rehabilitate prisoners and reform prisons, facilitate social re-integration, ensure congruent function of government systems and structures for the improvement of victims, offenders, society, government authorities, families of victims and offenders; by having committed volunteers, priests, religious and laity, conducting need based training, creating sensitivity in government authorities, facilitating praying, using scientific research tools, follow up programmes, creating social awareness, conducting regular and holistic counselling, providing legal assistance etc.

To be present in all prisons, create awareness in priests, religious and laity, ensure full cooperation and support from government and other related organisations, and establish rehabilitation centres in all states to ensure the amelioration of victims, offenders, government authorities, families of victims and offenders, priest, religious, laity, public relationship officers of PMI, seminarians and formation houses etc.

– Congruent
– Creativeness
– Endurance
– Expertise
– Zeal
– Be present
– Celebrate

“Be a love Bomb, Let it be exploded, not to kill, But to heal the broken hearts” This small sentence is the seed of Prison Ministry India. On 8th December 1981, Br.VargheseKarippery and Br.FrancisKodiyan, (Philosophy Students in St Thomas apostolic Seminary, Vadavathoor, Kottayam), began to think of how they could become a Love Bomb to explode love in to the lives of several broken hearted? It is through their inspiration and zeal to work for the marginalized that these two brothers along with others in the seminary started to visit the prisons. Gradually this ministry spread to different prisons across Kerala and eventually to different parts of the country. Initially began under the name of “Jesus Fraternity” it was later called as “Prison Ministry India”

Right now, the national office is situated at Carmelaram in Bengaluru. There are about 6000 active volunteers consisting of priests, sisters and laity rendering their service in the prisons. The volunteers of PMI visit the prisons, help in the rehabilitation of prisoners and run many rehabilitation centres for prisoners especially women and children.

How to get involved

You can volunteer in two ways

1. inside the prisons and other confinements
• Such as reception homes, observation homes and special homes You service can be categorized according to the availability of your time.

• Inside: You can work as a full time volunteer visiting the prisons close to your place. The permission can be arranged for your regular visit in the prison. You will be fully involved in the release, reformation and rehabilitation activities of prison ministry.

• Outside: You can become a part time volunteer if you can visit the prison at least four times in a month.

2. Outside the prisons to make a change in the society

• There are many works involved in the outreach ministry in the society.
• Pray for the prisoners and victims and their families.
• Visiting the family of the prisoners and victims
• Finding out doctors, Nurses, advocates, counselors to make use of their service in the prisons and arranging their visit in the prisons in regular way.
• Collecting the basic materials for the use of prisoners.
• Find out the donors, companies and charitable institutions for the support of the prison ministry activities.
• Conducting awareness programmes in faith based communities, schools, colleges, companies to change the attitude of people towards the prisoners and their rehabilitation.

Meeting time and venue
The meeting of the PMI Bengaluru unit takes places at St. Anthony’s Friary Church, every 3rd Saturday of the Month at 3.15 PM. For further details kindly contact

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Vadakumpadan
National coordinator PMI
No. 52, Thomas Layout, Sarjapur road,
Bengaluru 560 035, Karnataka,
Phone 09448484960, 080 28439040
Email: [email protected]