Divine Spark
Inspired by the Word of God, Religious and Lay people, have formed a family under the banner “The Divine Spark”. The Divine Spark was inaugurated on 1st April 2012. It is a movement of people who have experienced the Love of God and are willing to share their Divine – Love- Experience with others. Thus guided by the Holy Spirit, who is the true and eternal Divine Spark, the members seek to carry out the commission of Our Lord Jesus Christ of spreading the Good news and to build the Kingdom of God. Our vision aims at enlightening young and potential leaders with spiritual values and to empower them to be the Divine Sparks for the transformation of society.
During our first year (2012) of the mission, Divine Spark team has conducted the Basic and the Advance Alpha Courses to establish the Foundations of Christian belief. We have given outreach programs in Orphanages, Old age homes in Bengaluru and faith programs outside Bengaluru, at Cochin, Gulbarga and DRC, Chalakudi. To strengthen us spiritually, Divine Spark team members under took a four-week Sunday Fasting prayer. As a Community drive, Divine Spark team conducted Christmas festival celebrations and Carol Singing competition in our parish two years and has given outstanding parishner award every year to a parishner who had done an exemplary contribution in our parish.
In the second year (2013) of our mission, Divine Spark start the veneration and propagation of Holy Name of Jesus with the celebration of Holy Name of Jesus Feast and praying with the Jesus Rosary. Intercessory prayer activities became prominence from this year. Towards this we have started Healing Service every Thursday in our parish and everyday Intercession for the petitions broadcasted through the SMS messaging. Divine Spark initiated the forty-hour adorations during the Holy week, which is continued in our parish every year. Divine Spark has also conducted various retreats, Youth Conventions and Laity Sunday celebrations in our Parish. Many Parishners and religious got spiritually benefitted from the Bible Study on St. John’s Gospel conducted during that year.
In the Third year (2014), Divine Spark focused on sharing the Word of God through fellowship meetings. Our weekly fellow-ship continues every week which serves as a ground to build our spirituality and to sharpen our leadership skills towards Evangelization. Our Lenten retreat brought many people to the Word of God. Night Vigils were conducted at many occasions to restore spiritual strength in the team. A Threshold Bible Study on Luke Gospel has been conducted for Laity and Religious people. Towards Evangelization, Divine Spark team conducted Christmas Evangelization drive on the Christmas week, which has brought many other faith believers to Jesus Christ. We have also done evangelization drive at small village near Kollaegal.
Last year (2015), for the non-Christian believers, Divine Spark conducted an Alpha program to introduce Christ to them. Our Outreach programs continue, with visits to Home for Mentally Challenged people and Orphanages. Divine Spark team members are growing stronger in the Word of God and were able to preach at Holy Cross Convent, Infant Jesus Shrine and Augustinivas Convent. Divine Spark Conducted evangelization drives during the feast of St. Anthony, Christmas and New Year, spreading the Good news of Jesus Christ to the believers and non-believers who flock our church on the feast days. To spiritually build the Divine Spark family, we conducted the Gospel Bible Study on Matthew’s Gospel. During this year, Divine Spark became a part of Franciscan Evangelization movement called FOCUS (Franciscan One in Christ, United in Service) and took part in the FOCUS Conference.
This year (2016), Divine spark started with Seekers Sunday program, which is to introduce Jesus and Christian faith to the Non-believers who are interested to know Christ. To commemorate the Year of Mercy, Divine Spark released two Audio CDs containing spiritual songs, hailing the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Presently Divine Spark is conducting fellowship programs on the Subject of “Fruit of the Holy Spirit” every Saturdays at 5 pm at classroom 6.
Divine Spark team members continue to intercede for the various intensions of our parish, parish priests and for the petitions of the people received through our Healing Service, which is conducted every Wednesdays at 6:30 PM onwards.
We thank our Parish Priest Rev Fr. Johnny Anthony for his Continued encouragement and support for all the programs conducted by Divine Spark team. Our Spiritual Animator Rev.Fr. Peter provides us Spiritual guidance towards our Vision. Most of all, we thank our Lord Jesus Christ who is always with us in every step of our team.